Postgraduate Dissertation Prize

This prize is for postgraduate (MA) dissertations in art history or visual culture.

The Association for Art History Dissertation Prize is awarded each year. There are two awards: one for undergraduate dissertations and one for postgraduate (Master’s-level) dissertations. A winner and runners up are announced. The authors of the winning entry will receive:
• £50 worth of book tokens
• Association for Art History student membership for one year
• Complimentary ticket to the Annual Conference
• Publication of a 300-word abstract of the winning entry online and in newsletter
• Your prize will be formally awarded and announced at an awards event

We support a broad an inclusive art history, and therefore particularly welcome submissions from Fine Art and Design students, as well as students undertaking degrees in Museums and Gallery Studies or Curating.

Nomination and submission deadlines for the undergraduate dissertation prize is usually August, and for the postgraduate dissertation prize it is usually early December. Calls for submissions are announced on social media and in our Latest News.

Dissertation Prizes are assessed and shortlisted by our Doctoral and Early Career Research (DECR) Network Project Board.



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