The vision of the Association for Art History is for a world in which art history thrives and through which we gain a deeper understanding of art and human culture.
These aspirations are founded on the belief that in order for our subject to thrive, it must be broad and inclusive, enabling people to think differently about art, themselves, others and the world around them. As such, incorporating equality, diversity and inclusion principles into our work is essential to achieve our objectives for the Association and for art history.
Our task is both urgent and essential: to reduce the obstacles that exist for people to engage with art history and to address the inequalities which underpin the intellectual and institutional structures of the discipline.
There are two key documents that reflect our approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). These are an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement and our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan Outline. The Statement and Action Plan we have provide an overarching framework that sets out why we want to take action, what we want to do and how we will do it. These have been integrated into a more detailed EDI strategy that is incorporated into the Association’s new strategy for 2022-2024.
Download the most recent version of our EDI document here.
The Association is committed to ensuring that our staff, our boards and our committees represent the populations we work within and serve. In order to do this, we regularly review, record and reflect on how we are performing against a range of objectives. You can read more about these objectives and our performance in the section on Our Organisation.
As an association we serve a range of different audiences, stakeholders and other interested individuals and groups. As with our organisational approach, we undertake regular evaluation of our membership, applicants to grants and awards, journal submissions, programme participation and those within our field more broadly.
As with our organisation and our communities we set objectives to ensure that our programme comprises broad and inclusive art histories, and includes a broad range of voices and viewpoints.
We have gathered together various resources that we draw upon as an organisation and that we believe will be of use and interest to the wider art history communities that we work with. These resources will also be reviewed and added to on a regular basis. You can find the current collection in the Resources section.