CONF: The Art Museum in the Digial Age – 2023 (online/ Vienna)
CONF: The Art Museum in the Digital Age – 2023 (online/ Vienna)
Mo, 16.01.2023 – Fr, 20.01.2023
The Belvedere Research Center is continuing its conference series on the digital transformation of art museums with its fifth event on the topic. While the 2022 conference challenged binary concepts such as analog/ digital, this year’s event critically examines the imagined cultural metaverse. In four thematic online sessions and an on-site workshop, the lectures deal with the immersive experiences of virtuality and reality, cultural heritage data, value discourse surrounding the metaverse and NFTs, and self-perception and the social role of museums.
Free Registration:
Conference Languages: English, German (simultaneous translation)
Conference Committee: Johanna Aufreiter, Christian Huemer, Anna-Marie Kroupova (Belvedere, Vienna), Johanna Drucker (University of California, Los Angeles), Sonja Gasser (Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Winterthur), Harald Klinke (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Conference Partners: Austrian Museums Association, ICOM Austria, DArtHist Austria
Hashtags: #digitalmuseum #belvederemuseum
Mon, 16.01.2023
17:00 | Stella Rollig; Christian Huemer; Anna-Marie Kroupova (Belvedere, Vienna): Welcome & Introduction
Panel 1: NFTs & Blockchain
Moderation: Johanna Aufreiter (Belvedere, Vienna)
17:20 | Grischka Petri (FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibnitz Institute for Information Infrastructure; University of Tübingen): Remonopolisation or Protection of Cultural Heritage? The Moral Capital of the “Institution in the Service of Society” Between Open Access, Protection of Cultural Heritage, and NFTs
17:45 | Amalyah Keshet (Naomi Korn Associates, London): What Museums May Have Learned from NFTs
18:10 | Frances Liddell (University of Manchester): NFTs as a Social Practice. Exploring Tokenisation at National Museums Liverpool
19:00 | Keynote Lecture
Moderation: Christian Huemer (Belvedere, Vienna)
Johanna Drucker (University of California, Los Angeles): The Virtual Muse(um). Authenticity, Immersion, and New Forms of Delusion
Tue, 17.01.2023 | Panel 2: Meta-Spaces
Moderation: Sonja Gasser (Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Winterthur)
17:00 | Natalia Grincheva (University of the Arts Singapore; University of Melbourne): Designing Art Metaverse Portal. Converging, Creating, Experimenting with, and Minting Crypto Arts
17:25 | Johannes von Hülsen (METRUM, Munich); Annabell Vacano (Cultatio, Munich): Die Dichotomie des Metaverse. Dezentrale oder zentrale Gateways: Was braucht das Metaverse in Kunst und Kultur?
17:50 | Markus Reindl (OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH, Linz): DFC Francisco Carolinum. Ein Museum im Metaverse
18:15 | Andrea Geipel (Deutsches Museum, Munich): Vier Jahre VRlab am Deutschen Museum. Implikationen für die Einbindung virtueller Technologien in Museen
18:40 | Jacob Franke (Dresden State Art Collections): Framing Future. Das Dresdner Damaskuszimmer in VR und in Zukunft
Wed, 18.01.2023 | Panel 3: Linked Open Data
Moderation: Harald Klinke (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
17:00 | Béatrice Gauvain (University of Basel): Digital Strategies for Cultural Heritage Institutions. Generating Visibility and Engagement
17:25 | Thibault Usel; Nicola Carboni; Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (University of Geneva): Linked Open Data for Horizontal Integration of Exhibition Information
17:50 | Paul Clough (TPXimpact, United Kingdom; University of Sheffield): Ingest, Enrich and Index. Building a Cross-Collection Search Service for Durham’s New Cultural Heritage Site
18:15 | Mingshi Cui (University of Leicester): The Potential of Metaverse in Liberating the Narrations of the Displaced Objects
18:40 | Synatra Smith (Philadelphia Museum of Art): Sacred Geographic Superimpositions. Reimagining African American Public Art as Enshrined Spaces through Augmented Reality
Thu, 19.01.2023 | Panel 4: Participation & Gamification
Moderation: Anna-Marie Kroupova (Belvedere, Vienna)
17:00 | Han Jiang (University of Leicester); Xiaozhou Li (University of Sussex): From Metamuseum to Metaverse. Exploring Institutional and Individual Art Curation Practice in Digital Gaming Experience
17:25 | Melanie Wilmink (Yonsei University, Seoul): The Museum as a Video Game. The Phenomenology of the Virtual Audience
17:50 | Abhinav Mishra (Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne): Experience Design Insights for Mixed Reality Museum Exhibits. Learnings from Professional Curators, Designers, Artists, and Researchers
18:15 | Silke Hockmann; Christiane Lindner (Baden State Museum, Karlsruhe): Creative Exhibitions. Partizipativ Ausstellungserlebnisse in Augmented Reality gestalten
18:40 | Chantal Eschenfelder (Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main): The Playable Museum. Gamification und Kunstvermittlung im digitalen Raum
Fri, 20.01.2023
14:00 | Workshops (Round Tables)*
The workshops are held in German and take place on site at Belvedere 21, Vienna. Registration for the event is required.
Welcome: Christian Huemer (Belvedere, Vienna)
Florian Wiencek (Musealisten, Vienna)
Martina Fröschl; Michael Bachhofer (University of Applied Arts Vienna)
Fabian Müller-Nittel (Museums of Miltenberg)
Doris Fuschlberger (Digital Transformation Initiative of the Salzburg State Museums)
et al.
17:00 | Panel Discussion*
The panel discussion takes place on site in the Blickle Kino, Belvedere 21, Vienna, and is held in German. Registration is requested due to space limitations. The event, which includes simultaneous translation into English, is also streamed on Zoom.
Moderation: Christian Huemer (Belvedere, Vienna)
Claus Pias (Leuphana University Lüneburg)
Johanna Pirker (Maximilian University of Munich; Graz University of Technology)
Christa Sommerer (University of Arts Linz)
* The Belvedere Research Center reserves the right to cancel events on site if necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation.