Decolonising Assessment
Are assessment methods in higher education fit for purpose in the 21st century and can other strategies be drawn upon to replace them?
Friday 3 March, 13:00 – 14:00 GMT
Within the assessment of student work in the humanities the ability to write an essay with a clear and compelling argument has often been seen as the gold standard. Yet this is a form of writing with its own history, which privileges the kind of knowledge and frameworks for thinking which initially produced it. This short online workshop will pick up on some of the questions posed by the earlier ‘Decolonisation and Higher Education Pedagogy’ workshop run by Stephanie O’Rourke (University of St Andrews) and Hannah Williams (Queen Mary University) in May 2022, asking: Do the assessment forms we use privilege types of learning with colonial roots? How do we design assessments that consider ways of thinking where the essay is not the best fit? What might these assessments look and feel like?
Join us for two short presentations on some current thinking on the topic and, what we hope will be, broad discussion amongst participants.
James Boaden, Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of York
Edward Wouk, Reader in Art History and Visual Studies, University of Manchester