Find your peaceful place: mindful drawing at the RCP

  • Region: London
  • Type: Workshop
  • Cost: Free

Join London Drawing at the Royal College of Physicians Museum for a mindful journey into minutiae in a session designed to calm the mind, encourage contemplation and channel your creativity.

Book with Art Tickets

When we spoke with the healthcare workers who contributed to our ‘Fortitude’ exhibition, wellbeing activities were repeatedly mentioned as a vital component of survival. It was also important for those of us outside of healthcare. At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, London Drawing initiated weekly online ‘Mindful drawing’ sessions in response to the world staying at home and the mental health crisis that unfolded as a result. The ‘Mindful’ sessions became, and remain, a little oasis of drawing and creative exploration.

Join us in the unique setting of the RCP for guided seated yoga, mindfulness and drawing exercises as we make space to consider the information and narratives depicted in ‘Fortitude: healthcare workers’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic’.

All welcome!

An exhibition talk from the RCP Museum team, all materials and light refreshments are included in the ticket.


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