Curatorial Peer Support
Inspiring professional dialogues among UK art curators
Peer Support (also referred to as peer-to-peer mentoring) is an established method of forging trust-based professional relationships which in turn forms the basis for open, honest conversations around experience, performance and progression.
Through its Curatorial Committee, the Association for Art History would like to establish such a programme for art curators. The scheme is intended for those in curatorial positions at early- to mid-stages in their careers who are aspiring to expand their networks, are interested in learning about different routes to career progression, and would like to build on their understanding of the wider museum and gallery sector. The scheme will enable art curators to make meaningful professional connections with those at similar stages of their careers, establishing a solid foundation for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience and tackling the siloed nature of the working environment that curators often find themselves in.
Participants would be required to commit to one hour every two months over the course of twelve months (totalling six hours per year), though they can agree to more frequent meetings at their discretion. Sessions can be either online or in person.
The Association for Art History will manage the application process and work with its Curatorial Committee to recommend partnerships among participants in the programme. Guidelines and advice to participants will be provided in order for the experience to be most impactful.
If you are interested in participating but wish to understand more before applying, please feel free to contact curators@forarthistory.org.uk in the first instance. Or please apply directly by setting out in an email to the above address your interests in offering peer-to-peer support and any topics or themes you hope to be able to discuss with a peer.