Engage Trustee
What does the role involve?
The role of the Engage Board is to:
- Be responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of Engage
- Ensure Engage functions within the legal and financial requirements of a company and charitable organisation
- Observe the Articles of Association (Engage’s regulatory governing document)
- Determine policy
- Monitor performance against agreed objectives and targets
- Agree on the annual budget and decide on any major resource issues
- Approve the annual accounts
- Assist in fundraising from the public and private sectors
- Appoint senior staff
- Carry out the appraisal of senior staff
- Represent and promote Engage externally
In addition to the statutory duties of a Trustee, each Board member should use their specific skills, knowledge or experience to help the Board reach sound decisions.
This may involve:
- Scrutinising Board papers
- Leading discussions affecting Engage and the sector
- Focussing on key issues
- Providing guidance on new initiatives
- Other issues in which the Trustee has special expertise
The statutory duties of each Engage trustee are to:
- Ensure that Engage complies with its governing document, charity law, company law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations
- Ensure that Engage pursues its objects as defined in its governing document
- Ensure that Engage applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives
- Contribute actively to the Board’s role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance against agreed targets
- Safeguard Engage’s good name and values
- Ensure the effective and efficient administration of Engage
- Ensure the financial stability of Engage
- Protect and manage the property of Engage and ensure the proper investment of its funds
- Appoint the Director and monitor their performance
Who are we looking for? Someone with…
- A commitment to Engage and its work
- Willingness to devote time and expertise
- Experience of developing a strategic vision
- Good, independent judgement
- The ability to think creatively and share ideas
- Willingness to speak their mind
- Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship and prepared to receive up to date training
- The ability to respect confidences
- The ability to work effectively as a member of a team
- Willingness to act as an ambassador for Engage
- Adherence to the Nolan Committee’s seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership
What are the benefits of becoming a Trustee?
- Having the latest information and news of the sector
- Invaluable networking opportunities
- Satisfaction of being closely involved in the strategic planning and decision-making of a national body
- Excellent experience of working at board level in a dynamic and supportive team.
For full information and how to apply please visit https://engage.org/jobs/trustee/