Free Introduction to Art History course at the National Gallery for 13-15 year olds from state schools 25-29th July, 10.30am-1pm

Our third pilot free Introduction to Art History course for 13-15 year olds from state schools will take place at the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, on 25-29th July inclusive, between 10.30am and 1pm.
Our previous pilots took place at the Dulwich Picture Gallery and Courtauld Institute of Art and were very successful: early application is recommended! Student and parent / teacher flyers, more information and application ishere: 

Art students will especially love this course, but it’s for anyone who enjoys looking, thinking and discussing – and snacking – while making links across subjects, and linking the past to the present day. Topics we’ll be exploring in the 2.5 hour morning sessions include Real Animals and Imagined Monsters, Portraiture and Identity, Gender and Art, Curating the Gallery and Shaping Art History.

Students will also have the opportunity to make and curate their own gallery, learn about possible careers and future pathways, and of course have a unique opportunity to get to know the National Gallery’s world class collection at first hand.

Art History Link-Up (AHLU) is a registered charity. Our flagship programme, Art History for Everyone, offers free Art History A level and EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) courses taught on term-time Saturdays online and in museums and galleries for state students. Our new Introduction to Art History courses address the need for younger secondary age students, aged 13-15, to find out more about art history and careers in the sector. The short course is intended to give students the opportunities to acquire life-long skills and an awareness of opportunities available in museums and galleries, while having a lot of fun.

Art History Link-Up is a Registered Charity, no.1172792.

Twitter @arthistlinkup | Instagram @arthistorylinkup


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