Association for Art History | Dissertation Prize 2021


Call for Dissertation Prize nominations (2020 -21 academic year)

Have you written or marked a brilliant dissertation this year? If so why not consider nominating it for our Dissertation Prize.

This prize is for undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations in art history or visual culture.

The Association for Art History Dissertation Prize is awarded each year. There are two awards: one for undergraduate dissertations and one for postgraduate (Master’s-level) dissertations. The 2020 prize is for dissertations written during the 2020-21 academic year. The authors of the winning entry will receive:
• £50 worth of book tokens
• Association for Art History student membership for one year
• Complimentary ticket to the 2022 Annual Conference
• Publication of a 300-word abstract of the winning entry online and in newsletter
• Your prize will be formally awarded at the Annual Conference

We support a broad and inclusive art history, and therefore particularly welcome submissions from Fine Art and Design students, as well as students undertaking degrees in Museums and Gallery Studies or Curating.

You can download the guidelines and entry forms below (if you have already submitted using the previous forms that’s fine, you do not need to resubmit).

Dissertation Prize 2021  entry form
Dissertation Prize 2021 nomination form
Dissertation Prize 2021 guidelines

Call for Undergraduate Dissertation Prize applications

If you would like to apply or nominate a student, the details for this year’s application periods please email us your completed forms by the deadlines shown below.

Undergraduate submission deadline: 1 September 2021
Postgraduate submission deadline: 30 November 2021

Dissertation Prizes are assessed and shortlisted by our Doctoral and Early Career Research (DECR) committee. The shortlisted and winning essays will be announced early in 2022.


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