The Association for Art History Stands with Ukraine

The Association for Art History strongly condemns the war in Ukraine and stands in solidarity with its people. Our concern is for all people affected by the invasion in and outside of Ukraine, including those remaining, those fighting, those fleeing as refugees and those returning to assist. We hope for a swift resolution for the people of Ukraine, and we hope international assistance remains steadfast.

Our colleagues at the Association of German Art Historians are compiling information and a list of contacts for scholars at risk, providing a list of German art-historical institutions that are prepared to host scholars at risk as academic guests. This list is updated on an ongoing basis. (Source: Association of German Art Historians)

Humanitarian fundraising by the DEC, UNHRC and the Red Cross, to name a few, is in full swing. If you are able, please consider donating via the links above.

We also acknowledge that this war will add millions of Ukrainian refugees to the 82 million+ people already forced from their homes globally, and seeking refuge from armed conflict or despotic regimes around the globe. All refugees and displaced people deserve equal treatment, rights and attention. (Source: UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency)

We, like our colleagues in the cultural sector globally, also hope that deliberate targeting of art, architectural, archaeological and cultural sites does not occur as it contravenes international treaties to which the UK Government is a signatory, including the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2347 (2017), and 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

image: Silapasuwanchai, Setsiri, Ukraine Flag art print


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