
2020 Postgraduate Dissertation Prize Winner and Shortlist

Each year we select and award dissertation prizes for outstanding essays written by undergraduate and postgraduate students. Winning and shortlisted essays are assessed on the quality of their originality, research and method, and form and content. Shortlisted runners up Tazetta... Read More...

David Getsy 2021 Keynote

If you missed the recent keynote by David Getsy on 'How to Teach Manet's Olympia After Transgender Studies' this is now available to watch online. David J. Getsy is the Goldabelle McComb Finn Distinguished Professor of Art History at the School of... Read More...

Eliza Garrison 2021 Keynote

If you missed the recent 2021 keynote by Eliza Garrison on the 'Body and Space in the Uta Codex'* this is now available to watch online. *Codex is another name for book, in this case it refers to a massive... Read More...

BLK Art Group in-conversation

*Now available to watch online* If you missed the in-conversation with Claudette Johnson, Keith Piper and Marlene Smith, artists and founding members of the influential BLK Art Group, you can now watch this online. This was the opening Keynote of... Read More...

Teaching Art History Online

The Association for Art History (AAH) has worked with its Higher Education Committee (HEC) and with Heads of Art History Departments around the UK to consider the challenges of teaching art history and visual culture with social distancing and reduced... Read More...

UKRI Open Access Consultation

There are a number of points in the newly-proposed UKRI Open Access policy which the Association will address in its response to the consultation. We would like evidence from those in the field to help us substantiate arguments around including... Read More...

DACS launches Zero-Rate Tariff for Images for Academic Journals

Good news for those publishing research with images. Following our work with DACS, a zero-rate tariff for images to be published in academic journals will be made available from 2 April 2020. This will apply to requests which come from an... Read More...

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