CALL FOR PAPER – New Beginnings: Postgraduate Conference

  • Region: All Regions
  • Type: Call for Papers
  • Cost: Free

We are delighted to announce the second annual Art History & Visual Culture PGR conference at the University of Exeter. We invite postgraduate students from art history and visual culture departments across the UK, as well as PGRs in other disciplines whose work engages with questions of visuality and materiality, to present their research at this one-day conference.

This year’s theme is New Beginnings: we encourage the discussion of ideas relating to paradigm shifts and new methodologies within art history, as well as questions of transition and rebirth. By selecting this broad theme, our intention is that the conference will generate discussion on a diverse range of subjects, linked together by a core set of ideas. We hope that submissions will consider visual culture produced across a range of eras and in a range of media, from ancient to contemporary, from panel painting to performance art.

We invite papers of around 10 minutes in length. Topics might include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Paradigm shifts in scholarship: feminist waves, decentring/decolonising art history
  • Changes in direction (stylistic, political…) during an artistic movement or an artist’s career
  • Rebirth and resurrection, whether in iconography or artist identity
  • Activism and the destruction/disruption of the status quo
  • New approaches: digital humanities, practice-based scholarship
  • Modern curatorial methods: the display of art in the gallery and beyond

The event will take place at the Phoenix Arts Centre in Exeter’s city centre and will run for a full day. PGR panels are scheduled for the morning. The afternoon’s events will focus on New Beginnings in terms of career, inviting guests who have followed paths outside academia after their postgraduate studies. A roundtable discussion will include Sam Willis (historian and broadcaster), Stef Dickers (Special Collections & Archives Manager at the Bishopsgate Institute) and Phil Wickham (Curator of The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum), with more to be confirmed.

Refreshments will be provided throughout the day, and financial assistance will be offered to cover speakers’ travel.


If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit an abstract (150-200 words) and a short bio (50 words) by Friday 2 June 2023 to

We look forward to seeing you in June.


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