Higher Education Resources

Through the work of its Higher Education Committee, the Association for Art History has created resources for those working in the HE sector. More information about the work of the Higher Education Committee can be found here: Higher Education – For Art History

Anti-Racism & Decolonial Approaches

This portal contains hundreds of references arranged along subject, themes and media. It provides access to materials on anti-racist, postcolonial and decolonising art histories and is meant for anyone conducting research in those areas in art history or in visual or spatial culture. It is also meant to support academics in making meaningful changes in their departments, their teaching and their research. This is an interactive resource and bibliography, and we welcome contributions from those in the field.

Decolonisation and Art History Pedagogy

The resources include articles, books, written texts, bibliographies, toolkits, podcasts and videos that address the decolonisation of art history.  It was developed for an online workshop on the topic and includes ideas shared by participants. 

Decolonising Assessment

This report arose out of a workshop where the following questions were considered: Do the assessment forms we use privilege types of learning with colonial roots? How do we design assessments that consider ways of thinking where the essay is not the best fit? What might these assessments look and feel like? It includes a summary of the discussion and suggestions by those in attendance.

Assessment in Art History

This report outlines the discussion held at a workshop on alternative methods of assessment in art history and how we could arrive at a more ‘authentic’ means of assessment.  

Toolkit for Advocating for the Teaching of Art History Making

This toolkit includes recommendations, data and resources that are meant to help staff in advocating for art history at their universities. It also includes information that academics may find useful in speaking with students, parents and government policy makers.

Casualisation in Art History and Recommendations for Good Practice

This report is the result of a survey conducted by the Higher Education Committee of the Association for Art History (AAH) in 2019/20. The aim was to get a better sense of the situation of art historians working on fractional and/or non-permanent contracts. The report is based on 15 one-on-one interviews with non-permanent art history teaching and research staff at UK universities. Outcomes proposed from this report can be found in the Association’s Casualised Teaching in Art History, Statement of Good Practice

Applying for Jobs

This summary of a webinar held on the topic includes some brief, practical suggestions for those applying for academic jobs.

Teaching Art History online guidance

This document offers practical advice for teaching Art History online. It grew out of a survey of those in the sector regarding teaching our subject during lockdown and reflects the approach taken by departments which have incorporated distanced learning into their regular offer.  


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